The first words I heard before seeing this film was "You'll see, it's a film in between CRY BABY, BREAKFAST CLUB, SCREAM and KABOOM". Of course, this description made it impossible for me NOT to see it. And indeed, I am not certain I'd be able to give a better log-line for this crazy, cynical, funny and very, very, very absurd film called DETENTION, directed by Joseph Kahn. This teen comedy/ parodic horror film, starring Dane Cook and Josh Hutcherson, is a fantastic and accurate pop culture representation, and a very entertaining piece.

Summary (I'll try, at least) : The film opens on the most popular - but awfully bitchy- female student at Grizzly Lake High School. While talking to the video camera, she explains to us how to be famous, idolized by geeks and slim - no eating or eating followed by vomiting on Mondays and Wednesdays -. However, she is soon murdered by CinderHella - a mummy-looking prom queen -. Then, the audience meets with Riley - smart but tactless brunette with a plastered leg -, Clapton - the hot guy with a skateboard -, Ione - the skinny annoying blonde - and Sander - the loser, that's all you have to know about him. The script follows their every-day life as teenagers - love stories, deceptions, best-friends' arguments, alcohol, sex, text messages and mockery - and includes weird, oh how weird, elements/ questions :
- Who is this prom queen mummy-looking serial killer?
- Why does Ione goes back to 1992 and gets into her mum's body?
- What happened to the actual headmaster at his prom when he was a student at the school?
- Is the general detention gonna help finding who the murder is?
- Who is the guy in detention since... 1990?
- Will the time machine work?
- Are Riley and Clapton going to fall in love?
Good jokes, high-speed rhythm and a colorful cinematography. In the end, what's left after watching this slasher comedy is some interesting performances, a f***** up script, some shots of adrenaline, half of a brain - the other half is still trying to figure out some pieces of the story -, and one though: how fun was high school - but how GLAD you are that it's over now.
CAUTION: if you are over 30, comfortably married or divorced, enjoying quiet evenings playing Scrabble or watching documentaries about the life of bees, trouts or lemurs, avoid this film - just saying, for your OWN good.
Still, if you want to: it's playing at SIFF as part of the FutureWave selection - 17+ however - on June 3rd at the Neptune (9.30 pm) and on June 5th at the Egyptian (9.15 pm).
Detention premiered at SXSW '11