
Dear America

Coming back to the US so soon was unexpected, but everything looks just the same, even three years after leaving Washington D.C. Immigration process, bus transfers, roads and streets names: it feels like I’ve never left.

Settling down was quick and easy. Good start: the Verite Café on 34th & Spring Street. It is the ideal place for espressos and for cupcakes (chocolate/ coconut for example).
People are much more relaxed than in Paris. No rush and no stress. It is going to be a challenge to adapt, in a good way. Buses are slow and drivers are aware of pedestrians (who ALWAYS have priority but MUST respect the lights), a thing that would be unconceivable in France.
Downtown is not such a giant area, even if there are some tall buildings. Great places to go to (no endless list I promise): Pike Place Market and the Show Box for concerts. Capitol Hill is much more pleasant for a walk and for shopping second-hand clothes and design stuff. And after an entire week, I’ve walked through a few places.
If you are looking for College guys, girls and books (let’s pretend), the U district is the area you’ll want to go to.
Seattle is an interesting city. There are many health and yoga centers, people recycle almost everything and are really serious about household-waste sorting. The funny thing is that the center contrasts with the neighborhoods around, buildings contrast with cute houses and old warehouses. The city is also a witness of America’s disparities.

After a week, the general impression is that even if Seattle is an American city in many ways, it is also a unique innovative and creative place. The music and cinema scenes are well developed and really rich. I believe that the 9 months I have to discover it will be useful.